Tuesday 12 October 2010

Analysis Of Questionaire.

The results from my questionaire show that the majority of pupils would rather read magazines that invovle music or sport content.
The masthead chosen for my magazine is 'Eight Out Of Eight' which was chosen by five pupils. The two second favorites were 'School Gossip' and 'SKWL RULES'.
The slogan that was most popular was 'Top News You Can Not Refuse' which just under half the pupils votes with the other slogans having two votes each.
The pupils I gave the questionaire out to decided that they would be willing to pay around 5Op-£1.OO for the magazine, seven people voted for this whereas only three pupils voted for £1.OO-£1.5O.
The four subjects that the pupils would prefer to read are, 'Clubs & Activites', 'Exam Success', 'New Uniform' and 'Trips' with a range of six to eight votes each.
The pupils made the decision that the main image of my magazine should be a mixture of different year groups which was chosen by three pupils. The other six votes went to school sports teams, sixth form students and school clubs with two votes each.
Yellow and black werethe two most popular colours for my colour scheme with seven votes between them.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

My Magazine Questionaire.

School Magazine Front Cover Market Research Questionnaire
Rachel Jones.

1. How old are you?
• 11-13
• 14-16
• 17-18

2. Are you...?
• Male
• Female

3. What year are you in?
• Year 7
• Year 8
• Year 9
• Year 10
• Year 11
• Year 12
• Year 13

4. What type of magazine do you enjoy reading?
• Music
• Sport
• Gossip
• News
• Celeb
• Film
• Other ...

5. Which of the following mastheads do you prefer?
• School Gossip
• Eight out of eight
• School King
• Other ...

6. Which slogan do you prefer?
• Henrys voice is the way to do it
• Read along & you’ll catch on
• Top news for top readers
• Top news you cannot refuse
• Other...

7. How much would you expect to pay for a magazine?
• 50p- £1.00
• £1.00-£1.50
• £1.50-£2.00
• £2.00+

8. Out of this list what are the things that you would be most interested in reading? Please tick 4.
• Clubs & activities
• Exam success
• New lifts
• Scandal
• New uniform
• Trips
• Teachers secrets
• Other...

9. What type of image would you like on the front cover of your school magazine?
• School sports teams
• School clubs
• Sixth form students
• Key stage 3
• Key stage 4
• A mixture
• Other...

10. What colour best represents your school?
• Yellow
• Black
• Blue
• Green
• Pink
• White
• Other...