Wednesday 6 October 2010

My Magazine Questionaire.

School Magazine Front Cover Market Research Questionnaire
Rachel Jones.

1. How old are you?
• 11-13
• 14-16
• 17-18

2. Are you...?
• Male
• Female

3. What year are you in?
• Year 7
• Year 8
• Year 9
• Year 10
• Year 11
• Year 12
• Year 13

4. What type of magazine do you enjoy reading?
• Music
• Sport
• Gossip
• News
• Celeb
• Film
• Other ...

5. Which of the following mastheads do you prefer?
• School Gossip
• Eight out of eight
• School King
• Other ...

6. Which slogan do you prefer?
• Henrys voice is the way to do it
• Read along & you’ll catch on
• Top news for top readers
• Top news you cannot refuse
• Other...

7. How much would you expect to pay for a magazine?
• 50p- £1.00
• £1.00-£1.50
• £1.50-£2.00
• £2.00+

8. Out of this list what are the things that you would be most interested in reading? Please tick 4.
• Clubs & activities
• Exam success
• New lifts
• Scandal
• New uniform
• Trips
• Teachers secrets
• Other...

9. What type of image would you like on the front cover of your school magazine?
• School sports teams
• School clubs
• Sixth form students
• Key stage 3
• Key stage 4
• A mixture
• Other...

10. What colour best represents your school?
• Yellow
• Black
• Blue
• Green
• Pink
• White
• Other...

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