Wednesday 1 December 2010

Main Image Ideas

Main Image

For my main image the results of my questionaire showed that most people would rather a female solo artist. I think that this was a great choice as this is more of a girly magazine which will then be given off in the image.
Alike the images of katy Perry I chose, I want my main image to be girly but trendy. I dont want anyhting to over the top but something that will make a statement. I think that Katy Perry does this really well as she adds in her own unique style which gives it more of an edge.
The reason I chose these two images is because they are two completely different posses but both work effectively. Although when coming to take images I am going to have a plain white background with more of statement posse.
The main image taken is all about the model and although I like these images of Katy Perry it may be quite difficult for to find someone similar. Although his may be a problem I think that I will be able to find the perfect person to show off my magazine cover effectively.

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