Wednesday 15 December 2010

Main Images

Image One;
 The first image i took was of my model in quite a girly posse, i think that this image would look reaaly good on my front cover although I would have to get rid of the background so that we are able to see what the focus of the picture is. Although this picture may look good on my front cover I will have to consider whether it fits in with the layout of my front cover.

Image Two;
This image is really effective as it allows the reader to see what type of style the magazine is. Although this image may be effective I think that the posse doesnt really show that its a music magazine, and it doesnt really emphasise that its girlie. I dont think that I would use this as my main image.

 Image Three;
I really like this image as its girlie, it shows off a girly posse and the clothing works really well on my model. Because my model is leaning agaisnt the walls her hands are kind of hidden which spoils the picture a bit, i dont think that this picture would work as effectively on my front cover although it may work well on my full page spread. 

Image Four;
 The posse that my model did in this picture works really well to emphasise the genre of my magazine, i really like the angle that she is looking at the camera and the way that she stands. The only downside to the photo is the background and the darkness of the picture. Although I could get rid of the background my modle would still look quite dark.

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