Friday 19 November 2010

Mission Statement


Jones' new project 'Starstruck' is a different sort of pop magazine. 'Starstruck' is a trendy but feature focused magazine. This pop magazine will advertise bold, girly but stylish imagery which will give an inclusive take on how a 'trendy teen queen' lives.
'Starsruck' is aimed at trendy teens between the age of '13-19'. 'Starstruck' readers are casual, outgoing, girly but are also willing to make a statement.
'Starstruck' contains all the elements that contribute to to a trendy teen queen such as make-up, fashion, pop music and girly info. 'Starstrucks' edge is its bold look that makes a statement using girly but fascinating imagery.
'Starstruck' with neither patronise nor preech. It will adjust to its target audience needs and take how a trendy teen queen would feel towards situations into consideration. 
'Starstrucks' role in its readers lives is to inspire, entertain and contribute.
The first issue arrived on the shelves on the 1st January (feb issue)

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