Friday 19 November 2010

Questionaire For Music Magazine


1. What Gender are you?
  • Male
  • Female
2. How old are you?
  • 12 or younger
  • 13-14
  • 15-16
  • 17-18
  • 19 or older
3. How often do you buy music magazines?
  • Sometimes
  • Quite often
  • Weekly
  • Fortnightly
  • Mother
  • Never
4. How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?
  • £.100 or less
  • £1.00-£2.00
  • £2.00-£3.00
  • £3.00-£4.00
  • £4.00 or more
5. Which masthead would you prefer?
  • Starstruck
  • Pop to the top
  • Sing out loud
  • Pop it
  • Other (Please state)
6. Which slogan do you prefer?
  • Real music for real people!
  • Top of the charts!
  • Listen to the music!
  • Top music you cant refuse it!
  • Other (Please state)
7. Out of this list what are the three main stories that you would be interested in reading?
  • Downloads
  • Interviews
  • Album reviews
  • Up and coming events
  • Chart toppers
  • Other (Please state)
8. What main image would you prefer on the front cover of a music magazine?
  • Girl band
  • Boy band
  • Mixed gender band
  • Solo boy
  • Solo girl
9. What subsidary images would you prefer for a cover of a music magazine?
  • Up and coming events 
  • Concerts
  • Girl bands
  • Boy bands
  • Solo boy
  • Solo girl
  • Mixed gender bands
  • Advertisements
10. What colour scheme would you use for a music magazine?
  • Warm colours (red & orange)
  • Cold colours (blue & white)
  • Bright colours (a mixture)
  • Florescent (luminous)
  • Other (Please state)

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