Friday 19 November 2010

Questionaire Results

The favourite masthead was 'Starstruck' with four votes, with Pop it being the second chocie with three votes. The slogan that was most popular was 'Top of the charts!' which had half of the votes. The pupils that I gave the questionaire out to mainly bought magazines 'Monthly' or 'Quite often' which is something that I will take into consideration.
When I asked people how much they would be willing to pay for a music magazine?; the results were that most people were willing to pay around '£1.00 or less' with half of the votes, with '£1.00-£2.00' coming in close with four votes. The three main topics that the people would rather read are 'Interviews','Downlaods' and 'Up and coming events'. 
Number eight had four votes for 'Solo female artist' showing that people would rather this for the main image on the cover of the music magazine. The main subsidary images that they would prefer are a range between, 'Mixed gender bands','Boy bands' and 'Girl bands'. 
When I asked what colour scheme people would prefer the majority of people went with 'Florescent colours', which ended up with four votes, warm colours then came in second with two votes.  

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